Hello, my name is Tara and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 34 years old. I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend who had no previous symptoms of anything wrong with my health. In fact, I tested negative for my BRAC 1 and BRAC2 genes.

Breast Cancer Journey

aBRACadabra, you’re diagnosed with breast cancer:

On December 31st, I had my annual exam with my gynecologist. They asked me if I would see a new doctor to their practice. I had no thoughts about it and did not mind that it was a female. Her name was Dr. Edna Garcia, and she saved my life.

As I mentioned, this was only a routine annual check-up. I am too young for mammograms; never felt a lump in my chest, in fact, did not even know what I would even search for if I did. When I met Dr. Garcia, she did such an amazing job with exam and reviewing my family history of cancer.

Dr. Edna Garcia after my exam said; “I’m suggesting you get a mammogram because you have dense breasts and a family history of cancer.”
Not sure what to do or who to call since it was New Year’s, I found a center that had an opening. The radiologist wanted more screenings, as it wasn’t clear in the first image what it was. PANIC set in! My husband and I scrambled and one of our best friends got us in to an amazing screening center on January 5th. They ran the mammogram test and then sat my husband I down. The radiologist was incredible. Without confirming what it was, he was preparing us for the worst at which time he wanted us to stay and have a biopsy done, that day.

The Dreadful Phone Call
January 9th, 2018, I received the phone call that turned my world upside down.

“You have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.”

The biopsy came back positive for cancer.  I knew that day, my whole life was about to go into whirlwind of unknown change. Was I ready for that? Could I do this?  Am I strong enough? How?

Join me on my journey and learn from the experiences, including my joys, my “not so” happy days, and my new mind set in life as I get these off my chest and make sure that no pink sister will ever fight alone.


The impact I hope to have will be one that is everlasting. If I can help just one women get diagnosed early or give another woman strength to fight, than I know I made a difference as a breast cancer survivor.